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Bakelite transport caps for 2 cm granades ( 2 cm Transportschrauben Luftwaffe Erprobung )

British WW2 Brass 20 MM Oerlikon Shell ( RG ’44 )

Enige parts of luftwaffe – Stootkleppen uit ME 109 MUH  ( Teveswerke, Motorenteile und Hydraulic Aggregate G.M.B.H. , Berlin – Wittenau )

Brass 20 mm Casings F-16 NWM Factory ‘de Kruithoorn’ 1975

Ammo strip including 11 pieces 30 mm TP sleeves from the Apache combat helicopter

German Luftwaffe – WW2 grenade – cross section of a Flak 18, 8.8 cm with time fuse.


Crash Part BF-110 JG/26 Wunsdorf – crashed 22-12-’43 near Britswerd – Northern Netherlands.

Engine parts of luftwaffe – Stootkleppen uit ME 109 ( DPM : Poldihütte A – G. Stahlwerke Komotau, Komotau. )

United States Government Flight Information Publication – Federal Aviation Administration 2014


Luftwaffe 20 mm MG/FF Sleeve from airbase Deelen, Holland


US WW2 Airplane Gyro Horizon Indicator Jack & Heintz, inc, Bedford, Ohio

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €85.00.Huidige prijs is: €75.00.

27 mm half fabrikaat huls voor boordkanon tornado

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €15.00.Huidige prijs is: €12.50.

Badge, Pilot, Garuda Indonesia International Airways

WWII USAAF Strategic Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 4th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Cadet Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 10th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 12th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 2th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 3th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Philippine Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 20th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 15th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 8th Air Force Patch ( Europe )

WWII USAAF 11th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 7th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 9th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Pacific theater operations Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Headquarters OD Border Pinwheel Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 15th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Comminucation Specialist Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Weather Specialist Air Force Patch