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Russian 23 x 115 mm Aircraft auto cannon excercise/dummy cartridge

Russian 30 mm aircraft exercise/dummy cartridge

Luftwaffe 20 mm MG/FF Sleeves from airbase Deelen, Holland

Luftwaffe MG17 Flamdemper

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €125.00.Huidige prijs is: €99.00.

German Luftwaffe – WW2 grenade – cross section of a Flak 18, 8.8 cm with time fuse.


Sight for an airplane machine gun

Rare RAF, pré WW2 compass type P12 with mirror,

Luftwaffe WW2 parts box which is stamped RLM 1941

Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe fuse box (10.3 x 7 x 5 cm) of the Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe ( WAa 1943 )

US WW2 Fuel Pressure Gage ( 1944 brandstof – druk meter )

Early type (with brass housing) RAF – AM cockpit instrument L/R, left/right

WW2 – RAF, Mint Unissued Still Boxed R.A.F Lighting Control/Signal Panel Ref. No. 5C/3023

American WW2 canvas maintenance tool storage bag for a 20 MM AA gun

RAF WW2 Easco “Life Jacket Light”

3 empty aircraft cases 20 x 139 NWM ( Postwar )

Airplane – case belt, 20 x 139 NWM ( Postwar )

Airplane – case belt, 20 x 139 NWM ( Postwar )

Porcelain plate of the Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin ( E – Stelle ) 1935

Post-war Russian brass 23 x 152 mm anti-aircraft gun case

English 20 mm shell casing from an aircraft (Spitfire/Hurricane) R.H. 1944

Nice collector’s lot – aircraft shells

Luftwaffe Polscompas AK39. (Armbandkompaß 39)

RAF WW2 Cockpit instrument “boost” ( Ref. 6A/1868 ) with original factory packaging

RAF WW2 Cockpit instrument “boost” ( Ref. 6A/1868 ) with original factory packaging

British Air Force “brakes” cockpit instrument. Ref. No. 6A/3821

Luftwaffe ‘Zielflugschalter’ Top !

English AM WW2 Drift Recorder MK. II

RAF AM Bubble Sextant MK IX A ( Dated 1944. Complete with bakelite transport box. )

JG 26 Top Guns of the Luftwaffe

Recent finds from the Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin (E – Stelle)

Rare Personal pass for a worker of the Junckers Flugzeug – und Motorenwerke AG. in Dessau

Rare Personal pass for a worker of the Junckers Flugzeug – und Motorenwerke AG. in Dessau