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U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 10. nov. 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 20 Nov. 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 19 Okt. 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 2 Okt. 1944 Calais Falls to Canadians

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 6 july 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 29 aug 1944 Yanks 70 Miles From Belgium

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 1 july 1944 Caen/Normandië

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 2 april 1945 Ruhr Trap Is Closed

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 25 okt 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 11 sept 1944

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 16 sept 1944 Nancy Falls to 3rd Army

U.S. WW2 Newspaper : The stars and stripes 6 feb 1945

Photo of a German PZ soldier

Gruppenfoto Rekrutenabteilung der 8./Komp. Inf. Reg. Herzog Friedr. Wilh. v. Braunsweig ( Ostfr) 1913-1915

Groningen 1940 – 1945

De Tweede Wereldoorlog in foto’s ( David Boyle )

De Eerste Wereld Oorlog Het westfront

German WW2 Death Card ( PZ RGT )

Deutsche Afrika Korps Pressphoto ( DAK )

De Duitse uitbuiting van Nederland in cijfers en feiten

Völker Rassen Sprachen ( 1922 welt verslag / Berlin )

Geuzenliedboek ( voorjaar 1945 )

Jane’s fighting ships of world war II ( Bracken Books – London )

De Hitlers – De onbekende familie van de Fürher ( Wolfgang Zdral )

De jaren ’40 – ’45 – Een documentaire ( De Bezige Bij , Amsterdam )