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Type plate for a JU. 88 G1

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €25.00.Huidige prijs is: €19.00.

Remnants US WW2 spare parachute Market Garden – Groesbeek – Holland.


A set of Wehrmacht emblems for the tropical helmet in found, uncleaned condition ( Relics )

Crash Part BF-110 JG/26 Wunsdorf – crashed 22-12-’43 near Britswerd – Northern Netherlands.

Engine parts of luftwaffe – Stootkleppen uit ME 109 ( DPM : Poldihütte A – G. Stahlwerke Komotau, Komotau. )

German children’s shoes from the period ’40 – ’45

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €75.00.Huidige prijs is: €69.00.

US Browning Machine Gun Cover, Tripod, Mount, M2 – ( Crawford 1943 )

Revolvers en pistolen – Alles over handvuurwapens ( Jean Noël Mouret 1993 )

Frontlinie – Het bombardement van Groot Brittannië 1940 – 1941 ( Verslag van de luchtbeschermingsdienst in GB )

Pocket – De gesel van het hakenkruis ( Lord Russel of Liverpool ) Een korte geschiedenis van de oorlogsmisdaden der nazi’s


Fighter – The world’s finest combat aircraft – 1914 to the presant day ( Jim Winchester )

(USA) World War II Victory Medal in box


United States Government Flight Information Publication – Federal Aviation Administration 2014


Army Wire cutter with canvas case


4 pieces WW2 ( M1936 ) French mine lids in camo – used by German troops in Holland

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €80.00.Huidige prijs is: €75.00.

2 – US WW2 75 MM M5 A1 Howitser ( para ) cases

Luftwaffe 20 mm MG/FF Sleeve from airbase Deelen, Holland


Semi-finished, marked, NSDAP pin

Semi-finished, marked NSDAP pin


Badge, Pilot, Garuda Indonesia International Airways

Lot of cloth rank badges from WW2 of the USAAC ( Technical ranks )

WWII USAAF Strategic Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 4th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Cadet Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 10th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 12th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 2th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 3th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF Philippine Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 20th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 15th Air Force Patch

WWII USAAF 8th Air Force Patch ( Europe )